Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's been a long time

Since I have defended myself against the wild accusations of the fireheaded celt and the Other. I have been away because of my so narcissistically moving to China and having to do many a selfish things. Though, I have no found time to have to myself, and will commence writing once again.

Soon, the other will venture off to Prague and the Fireheaded Celt will attempt to come back to the United States. I say attempt because I don't think she will actually leave ireland. Despite her ill-conceived autonomy, I believe her penchant for gay men, gay irishmen, gay people in ireland, beer, whiskey, and all things green will keep her grounded in Dublin. It's hard to get ahold of a friend when you need to compete with Seamus Heaney and tall sexy irishmen. Simultaneously, the Celt thinks she's going to be a journalist. Dear Celt, I have already granted that you and the Other have souls, don't be a journalist. use your soul- dont make any money, work in latin america, and throw your future into the hands of not for profit organizations.

The Other, on the other hand, is a different story. Despite her traveling to the land of big sausage and beer, she has decided that she's going to fix the educational system. Dare I ask, what profession makes one more of a tool, low level government work that requires you to take some cheesy toolish photo or the educational system?

Okay. Maybe the other is right. Maybe low level government tool work is pretty toolish- but at least it's not pawn like. At least i can retain some semblance of self-governance instead of being caught in the iron cage of educational bureaucracy. I think i would rather be chased nightly by dinosaurs in my sleep than be caught in the educational system.

Despite their faults- I do believe the other and the celt should come visit me in Beijing. Apparently, the Moscow-Beijing rail route only takes 5-6 days.

Love me.

I'm me.

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