Sunday, November 16, 2008

Narcissus got bored of himself

So after another long hiatus, Narcissus is back. He's had many a conversation with the Other and feels like she deserves something to jog her brain, because obviously, she already knows everything she's been assigned to learn in Prague. 

Who does she think she is anyway?-- the creme de la creme of some elite program that forces one to read for hours into the night only to be comforted by a flimsy certificate in the end? Instead of diddling around with this silly "central european studies program" she should be out banging the hell out of the Czech population. If she's already drinking enough beer to ritualistically dilate her leg veins each night, this should not be too hard. After all, she already understands enough Czech to know if some strange Czech man is trying to pick her up. 

Or, if she wants to do something productive in her life, she can come visit the oh so special me, on the other side of the world. For one who is supposedly so concerned with the well being of the other, the Other is definitely good at rejecting skype calls. 

I think it's because she's growing too used to the Czech's atheistic world. The good Catholic Other needs to go to confession.

She also needs to stop letting the other kids on the playground rub her eyes. That spreads disease, you know.

and on that note, I am now rubbing mine.


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